Saturday, January 14, 2017

Stake RS activity

Gather yourself unto Christ

The stake did such a great job feeding us both physically and spiritually. The theme was based on the picture of this mother hen gathering her chicks and the scriptures found in 3 Nephi Chapters 4-6. It talks about how the Lord will gather all who has been scattered. There are so many things that we as women gather.

In the scripture, Lay not up treasures, substitute the word Gather- Gather not up treasures. When we are having struggles, serving others will always help! 

We should gather Knowledge- We are disciples of Christ. We need to discipline ourselves to learn the truth. You have to grow your own faith, and your own testimony. Everyone has their own challenges. They will be different than anyone else's but you need to face them to gain what you to need to get from them.  

Challenges are evident in life. Embrace them and don't run away from them. They are "but for a small moment" as we read in the Doctrine and Covenants when Joseph Smith was in Liberty Jail. Sometimes you have to go through experiences to gain the knowledge you to need to go forward.

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