Sunday, November 15, 2015

JustServe Program and Website information logo
Matching faith ,nonprofit, community and governmental organizations that need volunteers with volunteers willing to help.

In a combined 3rd hour meeting, we learned about a new program called JustServe. Here is some information regarding the program.

WHAT is JustServe?

  • JustServe is a cooperative effort between Church members, full-time missionaries and citizens of local communities to relieve suffering, care for the poor and needy, and enhance the quality of life in the community. It is a practical application of the Savior's admonition to "love thy neighbor as thyself." (Matthew 22:39)
  • is a volunteer matching website, designed and managed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
HOW can I help Implement JustServe?
  • Register at (or download the free JustServe app from the Apple and Android App Stores) to quickly and easily submit or volunteer for projects in your area. The website supports the most recent 2 or 3 version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. If you encounter problems with, seek help through the "Feedback" button on the website while providing as much information as possible.
  • Volunteer. Charitable community service opportunities are available close to home for individuals, families, quorums, classes, auxiliaries, and wards. Neither Church members nor missionaries should volunteer in the community as a disguise for proselyting. Our motive should always be a pure desire to help others in need, regardless of their beliefs. Mormon Helping Hands t-shirts and vests should not be worn while participating in JustServe projects. Please save these for disaster relief or other priesthood assigned service projects as defined by your stake president.
  • Submit Projects to your stake JustServe committee or by clicking on the website "Submit" button. Projects must meet the following guidelines:
    • The best service opportunities are collaborative - working side by side with others in the community.
    • Humanitarian service opportunities should assist the poor and those in need of a helping hand.
    • Community service opportunities should enhance the quality of life in the community.
    • JustServe projects should not directly involve volunteers in fundraising, have a political focus, or be for - profit oriented. They can be donation based (canned food and clothing drives, etc.)
  • Share your positive experiences on, in Church meetings and classes, and on social media while using the hashtag #justserve.
  • Tell your friends and neighbors about, a free website available to everyone.
WHEN is it supposed to be done?
  • There is no timeline, requirement nor commitment to serve. When time and circumstances allow, JustServe makes it easier for Latter-day Saints and members of the community to find opportunities to serve those in need.
WHO do I contact with questions?
  • Your ward JustServe specialist (counselor in the bishopric), the stake director of public affairs, or any member of the stake JustServe committee can assist you.

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