Monday, February 16, 2015

Sunday Reminders and Need in the Ward

Need in the Ward
 We are still in in need of one more crib for Kailee. If you can help out with this, please contact Joann Jensen or Sis.Marshall. She has everything else. Thank you to everyone who has helped contribute items.

Scripture Reading Challenge
Just a reminder about the stake reading challenge. The Stake has asked us to read the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and 3rd Nephi by April 18th (Stake Conference). We are looking for a few sisters to share in Relief Society for a few minutes what they learned from this doing this challenge.

Ward Conference Update
We will be having Ward Conference on March 15th. We will be having Sacrament meeting the first hour, and Relief Society the second hour (Gospel Doctrine will be cancelled). For the 3rd hour, we will be visiting ward members. We are asking ward members to pray about families they would be interested in visiting. Names need to be submitted to Nancy Brown by March 6th so she can submit them to the Bishop.

Service Anyone?
The Youth are looking for service projects. If you have one, please let the youth leaders know.

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