Friday, December 21, 2018

Meeting information for Sunday 12/23

Please note the following change to Sacrament meeting on December 23rd.

We will be having Sacrament meeting only beginning at 11 am. If you are in the Ward Choir, please meet at 10 am for practice. This meeting will be our Ward Christmas Program.

Image result for Christmas program

Thank you!

A great big thank you to everyone who brought Breakfast casseroles and other breakfast items to the Ward Breakfast on December 15th. It was a full  house and the food was yummy!

Thank you to all the Primary kids who helped tell the Christmas Story. You did a great job!

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Monday, November 12, 2018

Image result for Thanksgiving

Please join us for the Ward Thanksgiving Dinner on


at the Ward building Cultural Hall. Friends are invited to attend.

A Thanksgiving Potluck dinner will also be held at 12 Noon on


at the Stake Center. Anyone is welcome to attend. Please contact B. Farnsworth
so they can get a count and to see what is needed to bring.