Friday, May 29, 2015

Help needed- Dog Sitting

We have a need in the ward. The Brincklow family is looking for someone to help care for their two small dogs this coming week from Sunday night to Thursday. One is a female Jack Russell Terrier and the other is a male Dachshund. They are not used to cats or other female dogs. If you can help take one or both dogs in your home for one or more days, or know someone who might be able to help dog sit, please contact Br. Brincklow at 727-741-5611. They will be auctioning items at the youth fundraiser tonight at the church building if you need to contact them for any additional information.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mark's funeral services

It is with great sadness that we announce Mary Kitchen's brother, Mark, passed away yesterday evening. Mark came to church with Mary for years and was loved by many. Funeral Services will be held at the Clearwater Ward Building on Thursday, May 14th. The viewing and visitation with Mark's family will be held at 9:30 am. This will be followed by the funeral service at 10 am. All are invited to attend these services. The Relief Society would like to provide a luncheon for the family. If you would like to help bring food for the luncheon, please contact Sister Mullen.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Fundraisers and a few announcements

Hello everyone. A few reminders and announcements to consider.

Stake Spanish Cultural Event
This Saturday, May 9th from 6:00 PM - 8:30
See earlier blog post for more information

Relief Society Social
Please join us on Thursday, May 21st at 7:00 PM
** Please note the date change from the bulletin
Snacks will be provided
All sisters are invited to bring their friends, and
 their bucket list of things they want to learn or do this year! 
Question to consider... what games did you play growing up with your family, friends that you loved, and WHY did you love them? 

Youth Fundraiser Auction

The youth Auction and Spagetti Dinner will be held on May 29th at 7:00PM
Please think of items (like new condition) you could donate, services you could render, items you could make that could be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Monies earned from this event will be used for youth activities.

Youth Fundraiser (#2) Nauvoo Trip
This fundraiser is for the Priest/Laurel trip to Nauvoo. In our Ward, there are 3 boys and 3 girls from our ward that will be attending who will need to earn money for the trip.

 Job tickets were handed out on Sunday. These are needed to help get information on what jobs you could have a youth do, when, and how much would you want to pay for completing the job. These will then be matched up to youth within or ward and stake. Please contact K.C. Merrill if you have any questions. 

Visiting Teaching 

This month, for visiting teaching the lesson is your choice! Pick from any of the General Conference talks in this months Ensign or from Remember to be Pleas "ant" for the month of May. Life is so much better when you meet or work with someone who is agreeable. Be that person and spread the joy of the gospel to your sisters. You never know when someone just needs a friendly smile. Visiting teaching can be a Pleas "ant " experience for you and your visiting teaching sisters. 

Gardening Activity in April

We had a great time visiting the Community Garden in Safety Harbor and learned a lot of good information about gardening. It was wonderful seeing so many people come out and we were happy the rain waited to roll in until after we were done. I will be emailing out the handouts with more information, so please contact me if you don't see it in a few days and need a copy. The greatest resources are the University of South Florida and the IFAS (International Food or Agriculture Services). Below are some notes on what we discussed.
  • Your soil is very important. To make the best soil, you should have:
    • 1/3 parts Peet (the feathery stuff)
    • 1/3 parts vermiculite (for 
    • 1/3 compost ( from either black cow or black hen)
  • Other good things for your soil could be: 
    • Leaves - chopped up with the lawn mower and added to the soil adds air
    • Nitrogen, but you can't buy it in the summer and phoshorus
    • grass clippings
    • spanish moss can be used
    • straw
  • Watering Tips
    • First, keep plant moist
    • Water around the seeds, and at the start, water 1 or 2 times a day. Then you can go to 3 times a week.
    • Deep water gardening - water 1 inch to 3/4 inch deep (most of us thought that was where we've failed)
  • Don't just take a seed from a food you are eating and expect it to grow. Some fruits and vegetables have a male and female plant. For example Squash plant.
  • Rain Barrels are great for your home. If you don't have one in your yard yet, get one and use it!
  • Plastic strawberry containers make a great "greenhouse" to create starter plants for your garden.
  • Container Garden - in any container you could use weed cloth/ t-shirt,styrofoam, and make sure you have 8 inches of soil. 
  • Willow Tree Nursery on 49th street by Biff Burgers is where the instructor buys her starter plants.
  • If you are making an outdoor gardening space, it is important have a designated walking area that is not where your vegetables are planted. Walking compacts the soil too much and doesn't allow proper "breathing".  
  • It is helpful to know your good bugs and your bad bugs. Grasshoppers are bad with a garden.
  • There are other community gardens in Oldsmar and Dunedin.
  • When choosing seed packets, choose the ones for the South, and make sure you know the plants that go with the seasons. Don't try to plant a "winter plant" in the beginning of spring. We are currently in Late Spring (on 4/15)
  • You can check out Seed packets at the Dunedin Library and possibly Safety Harbor Library. All you need is a current library card. Seeds can be checked out just like books, DVD's, CD's. You can check out 3 packages a month. There are no due dates and never accrue late charges. Bring seeds to the front desk for Check out.
  • Dunedin Library does hold seminars at the library with the Dunedin Community garden each month. Upcoming classes are:
    • 5/9 - 10 am -12pm - The Edible Garden
    • 6/10 - 6:30 PM - Companion Planting
    • 7/18 - 10am - 12 PM - Build it and they will grow

    Thursday, May 7, 2015

    Stake Spanish Cultural Activity

    Please join us this Saturday, May 9th at the Stake Center
    Time : 6 - 8:30 PM
    Friends welcome

    Culture: Learn about culture, and church history in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Costa Rica.

    Music: Learn about music from regions of these countries you've never heard before.

    Dancing to the sound of Hispanic rhythms

    Food: unique cuisine samples from these Hispanic countries