Thursday, April 21, 2011


Just a reminder that Patti Cannon's food preparedness class is today, Thursday at 10:30am and again at 7:00pm.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Primary Easter Activity

Just a reminder about the Primary Easter Activity...
It will be this Saturday the 23rd from 9-11 at our ward building. Breakfast will be served and don't forget your Easter Baskets. It's going to be a great activity and we hope to see you all there!
Your Primary Presidency

Schultz Funeral Update

I forgot to put in the email that the funeral would be on Wed. April 20th. Sorry for the confusion!

Sister Schultz Funeral

Hi Sisters,
Wanted to give everyone an update about Sister Jan Schultz funeral.
The viewing will be held at 10:30 am at our ward on Wed. April 20th with the funeral to follow.  The burial will then take place at Moss Feaster.
We will need some help with serving/clean-up and food assignments.  Most of the food has been accounted for but we still need 4 lasagnas. They can be homemade or purchased but should be brought to the church already cooked we can however keep them warm in the oven until serving time.
Thanks again!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hi Ladies,
A few announcements and a reminder:

1. Sister Wison's cooking class that was scheduled for tonight is going to be rescheduled for May, exact date to be announced.

2. Sister Jan Schultz passed away yesterday. She has been frail for a couple years but still her passing was a bit of a suprise.  We will pass on the funeral plans as soon as they become concrete and of course needing some volunteers for food and prep the day of the funeral. Please keep the Conrad's in your prayers and once again a huge thank you for being such an incredible ward family!

3. Thank you to all who brought food for Sister Kitchen's brothers funeral, I know the family appreciated it.
4. Don't forget that Stake Conference is this Sunday at 10 am

Friday, April 8, 2011

Volunteers for Cleaning the Building

Hi Ladies,
Its the Relief Society's turn to clean the ward building on Sat. (sorry for the late notice, just got Bro. Conrad's message). Please let me know if you are able to help by responding to this email. We usually start 9ish and only takes about an hour and half.
Thank you!