Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Brann Funeral

Hi Ladies,
For those of you who have'nt yet heard, Brother Brann passed away Sunday Morning. His funeral services will be held at our ward building this Saturday April 2. The viewing is at 9:30am followed by the funeral at 10:30. If you can help in any way please contact Jennifer Willis at 512-787-8138. Please keep Sister Brann in your prayers and thank you again for all you do!
Your Relief Society Presidency

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Book Club

Just a reminder... book club tonight at Linda Chapmans house, 7pm. Bring an appetizer and a title of a book you would love to read. See you there!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daylight Savings

Just a reminder to set your clocks an hour forward!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Help Needed

Hi Sisters,
We need some help gathering household items for sister Sheila Cortina. She is moving out of a motel tomorrow and into an apt and really has nothing other than a couch and a few clothes.  Some items desperately needed are:
*a bed frame (full or queen) or a complete bed set would be great
*bed linens
*dishes/silverware/cooking items
*small kitchen table & chairs

If you have any of these items available please call Jennifer Willis at  512-787-8138. She works from home and is on the phone frequently so if she doesnt answer leave a message and she will get back to you.

Thank you so much for all you do!

***Cooking Class Rescheduled***

***The Irish Mardi Gras Cooking Class that was going to be taught by Jeannie Wilson this Thursday March 3rd has been rescheduled for Thursday the 10th.  Don't miss it, it's gonna be a good one!!