Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reminder- Christmas Gift Collection Tomorrow

Hi Sisters!

Clearwater Ward is collecting items for The Haven women’s and children’s shelter for Christmas.
They are in need of new toys for Boys ages 3-12 and gift items for teens.
Examples include but not limited to

Boy age 3-5
Matchbox cars, race tracks, trucks, remote control cars, dinosaurs, balls, coloring books, blocks
Boy age 6-8
Pokemon, Beyblade, Transformers, Spiderman, balls, legos, scooter, puzzles

Boy age 9-12
Athletic equipment, books, video games, board games, mp3 player

Gift cards for movies, stores, museums
Wii games, books, DVDs,
Please help us provide a nice Christmas for these children by bringing your unwrapped gifts to the Clearwater Ward Christmas party on Friday, December 16. Thank you so much for your help!
Please contact me with any questions.
Have a great weekend!
Leah Larsen

Friday, December 9, 2011

Clearwater Ward Christmas Service Project

Hi Sisters!

Clearwater Ward is collecting items for The Haven women’s and children’s shelter for Christmas.
They are in need of new toys for Boys ages 3-12 and gift items for teens.
Examples include but not limited to

Boy age 3-5
Matchbox cars, race tracks, trucks, remote control cars, dinosaurs, balls, coloring books, blocks
Boy age 6-8
Pokemon, Beyblade, Transformers, Spiderman, balls, legos, scooter, puzzles
Boy age 9-12
Athletic equipment, books, video games, board games, mp3 player

Gift cards for movies, stores, museums
Wii games, books, DVDs,

Please help us provide a nice Christmas for these children by bringing your unwrapped gifts to the Clearwater Ward Christmas party on Friday, December 16.  Thank you so much for your help!
Please contact me with any questions.
Have a great weekend!

Leah Larsen

Monday, September 26, 2011

Family Home Evening

Family  Home Evening in the park has been post poned tonight due to the rain. It will be rescheduled for another night.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brigham Robst Funeral

Hi Sisters,

I received this information from Bishop about funeral arrangements for Brigham Robst.

On Monday, September 19th from 10:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. all are welcome to come to the Clearwater Ward meetinghouse for a viewing and visitation with Brigham's family in the Relief Society room.

This will be followed by Brigham's funeral service at 1:00 p.m. in the chapel. The cortege will then proceed to the Curlew Hills Memory Garden for a graveside service and dedication of the grave.

If anyone has digital images of Brigham that can be emailed to the funeral home by early afternoon on Friday they can be included in a CD they will provide to the family. They can be sent to Yvette Klausch, Funeral Director, Manager at
***The Relief Society would like to provide a meal for the family after the graveside service.  Please let me know if you would be able to bring one or more of the following dishes to the church by 2pm.  We are expecting 20-25 people so more than 1 person could sign up for an item.  Also, please let me know if you could stay and help serve.  We will need 2-3 people.
Ham- Sis. Fallon
Funeral Potatoes
Fruit or Vegetable Salad
Thank you, Sisters, so very much.  Brigham was such a kind person who is loved and missed by so many. I know that Brigham's family is so grateful for the support of the ward.
Leah Larsen

Parenting Class

Hi Sisters,
I wanted to remind you that Sister Dietrich's class on "Parenting in the latter days" is tonight at the church 7pm, husbands and wives are encouraged to attend. Earlier emails indicated that their was to be babysitting provided for tonights activity however, due to the hand foot and mouth virus going around we are cancelling babysitting. I know this may limit attendance but we are trying to stop the spread of the virus as it takes 4 weeks to fully run its course.
Thanks for your understanding,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brigham Robst


We received very sad news that Brigham Robst passed away this morning.  Please keep Bro. Ace Robst and his family in your prayers.
We will let you know when we receive any information about services.
We would like to show support to the family by providing meals.  Tonight is covered and Sis. Livingston is bringing a meal on Sat.  Please respond to this email or let Leah Larsen (727-776-2035) know if you could bring a meal Wed, Thurs, Fri or Sun.

Thank you, Sisters, for all that you do.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

RS Activity

Just a reminder that Sister Dietrich's class on positive affirmations for the LDS woman is tonight at 7pm at our building. Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome Jesse Van Driggers!!!

Hello Sisters!!
We wanted to let you know that Jessica had the baby Thursday!  His name is Jesse Van and both he and Jessica are doing well.  She will be coming home from the hospital on Saturday.

We would like to bring meals for a few days beginning Sunday evening.  Meals that could be frozen and thawed when needed would be helpful.  Please let me know if you would be willing to help and which day would work for you.

Thank you so much!!

Leah Larsen

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shan Hesson

Hi Sisters!

I just wanted to let you know that Shan Hesson's father had a heart-attack this morning.  He is stable, but in the hospital.  She has asked the he please be kept in your prayers.

Thank you!!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baby Items Needed

Hi Sisters,
We have a new sister in our ward who is in need of some baby items for a littlegirl if you have any of the following contact Leah Larsen 727-776-2035 or email her at

Crib Mattress and Sheets
High Chair
Pack n Play
Clothes (6-9 months)
Baby Proofing items, including baby gates

If you have any of these items or other items you would like to donate please contact Leah no later than Thursday.
Thank you!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

fathers Day

A huge thank you to all of the sisters who brought pie and helped serve today for Fathers Day! We had more than enough and the men were able to fill their plates several times. You sisters always go above and beyond and we appreciate you so much! Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fathers Day

Hi Sisters,
Just a reminder that Father's Day is Sunday and we are making/buying pies per their request to serve the EQ and High Priest 3rd hour.  If you signed up this is just a reminder. But if you would like to make or bring a pie that would be greatly appreciated as I think we are a little short as of now!! Just reply to this email and let me know.
Thanks for all you do!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to order and pay for cookbooks. Don't let this opportunity pass as it is sure to be amazing! You get great recipes and the youth get to go to Nauvoo, a trip/experience of a lifetime. Thank you for all of your support!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...

Hi Sisters,
Just a reminder about our "Getting to Know You Ice Cream Social" this Thursday 7pm at the church. We have so many recent move-ins and we wanted a chance to get to know all of you and for you to get to know us! Come for a relaxing and delicious evening with your sisters in the ward, see you there!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Just a note to let you know that Patti Cannon's food preparedness class is canceled tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recipe Book

Hi Sisters,
As you know the Stake YW are making cookbooks to sell as a fund raiser for the Nauvoo Trip this summer. Books are $20 a piece and are sure to be amazing!  They are still in need of recipes so please if you have any that you are willing to share please email as many as you would like to Katie Hoard, her address is  You can also pre-order books as well thru Katie and remember they make great gifts!
Thank you!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Just a reminder that Patti Cannon's food preparedness class is today, Thursday at 10:30am and again at 7:00pm.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Primary Easter Activity

Just a reminder about the Primary Easter Activity...
It will be this Saturday the 23rd from 9-11 at our ward building. Breakfast will be served and don't forget your Easter Baskets. It's going to be a great activity and we hope to see you all there!
Your Primary Presidency

Schultz Funeral Update

I forgot to put in the email that the funeral would be on Wed. April 20th. Sorry for the confusion!

Sister Schultz Funeral

Hi Sisters,
Wanted to give everyone an update about Sister Jan Schultz funeral.
The viewing will be held at 10:30 am at our ward on Wed. April 20th with the funeral to follow.  The burial will then take place at Moss Feaster.
We will need some help with serving/clean-up and food assignments.  Most of the food has been accounted for but we still need 4 lasagnas. They can be homemade or purchased but should be brought to the church already cooked we can however keep them warm in the oven until serving time.
Thanks again!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hi Ladies,
A few announcements and a reminder:

1. Sister Wison's cooking class that was scheduled for tonight is going to be rescheduled for May, exact date to be announced.

2. Sister Jan Schultz passed away yesterday. She has been frail for a couple years but still her passing was a bit of a suprise.  We will pass on the funeral plans as soon as they become concrete and of course needing some volunteers for food and prep the day of the funeral. Please keep the Conrad's in your prayers and once again a huge thank you for being such an incredible ward family!

3. Thank you to all who brought food for Sister Kitchen's brothers funeral, I know the family appreciated it.
4. Don't forget that Stake Conference is this Sunday at 10 am

Friday, April 8, 2011

Volunteers for Cleaning the Building

Hi Ladies,
Its the Relief Society's turn to clean the ward building on Sat. (sorry for the late notice, just got Bro. Conrad's message). Please let me know if you are able to help by responding to this email. We usually start 9ish and only takes about an hour and half.
Thank you!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Brann Funeral

Hi Ladies,
For those of you who have'nt yet heard, Brother Brann passed away Sunday Morning. His funeral services will be held at our ward building this Saturday April 2. The viewing is at 9:30am followed by the funeral at 10:30. If you can help in any way please contact Jennifer Willis at 512-787-8138. Please keep Sister Brann in your prayers and thank you again for all you do!
Your Relief Society Presidency

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Book Club

Just a reminder... book club tonight at Linda Chapmans house, 7pm. Bring an appetizer and a title of a book you would love to read. See you there!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daylight Savings

Just a reminder to set your clocks an hour forward!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Help Needed

Hi Sisters,
We need some help gathering household items for sister Sheila Cortina. She is moving out of a motel tomorrow and into an apt and really has nothing other than a couch and a few clothes.  Some items desperately needed are:
*a bed frame (full or queen) or a complete bed set would be great
*bed linens
*dishes/silverware/cooking items
*small kitchen table & chairs

If you have any of these items available please call Jennifer Willis at  512-787-8138. She works from home and is on the phone frequently so if she doesnt answer leave a message and she will get back to you.

Thank you so much for all you do!

***Cooking Class Rescheduled***

***The Irish Mardi Gras Cooking Class that was going to be taught by Jeannie Wilson this Thursday March 3rd has been rescheduled for Thursday the 10th.  Don't miss it, it's gonna be a good one!!